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Job seeker FAQs Contents:
Employer FAQs Contents:
Hays Online Portal is a system for workers and employers that enables timesheets to be submitted and authorised online. It also allows you to:
When will I receive my Hays Online Portal registration? This is normally sent 48 hours after your consultant has confirmed the start of your contract with the Finance Shared Service Centre.
Your registration link is contained within your payroll registration email from with the subject ‘Welcome to Hays – Payroll Registration’.
Your welcome pack is attached to the email and contains any relevant payroll documents required. To activate your Hays Online Portal account use the ‘Register Now’ link contained in the email and follow the onscreen steps to complete registration as soon as you can after receiving this email.
To activate your account we’ll ask you to enter some details about yourself so we can correctly identify you. You will then be asked to set your own login ID and password. Finally, you will be asked to choose a question and response that can be used if you ever forget your password in the future.
If you don’t receive the registration email within two days of starting your assignment, please contact your consultant in the first instance as they will be able to confirm whether your contract has been sent to the Shared Service Centre team, failing that you can also contact the Hays Service Centre on 0203 727 2977.
The link you emailed me doesn’t work. What should I do? Please contact the Hays Service Centre on 0203 727 2977.
When I first try to log in, why am I being asked to enter my date of birth, postcode and National Insurance number? Hays treat the security of its online processes as a key priority. When you first activate your Hays Online Portal account, it is important that we are able to correctly identify you. We do this by asking you to provide two out of three pieces of personal information mentioned above and validate these against the information that you have already supplied to your Hays Consultant.
I notice from the ‘Review of Personal Information’ that you do not have my National Insurance number. What should I do? In the first instance please contact your consultant and they will be able to update your personal details on the record they hold for you. If you are not able to contact them please contact our Service Centre on 0203 727 2977 with your National Insurance number.
What do I do if I forget my password? At the bottom of the login page there is a ‘Forgot Password?’ link. When you click on this you will be asked to validate your details. On successfully validating your details you will be sent an email with a link which will allow you to reset your password.
I think I am on the incorrect tax code; how can I check this? You will need to call the tax office on 0300 200 3300 and quote reference 951/YA32406
What do I do if I cannot see the company name for the timesheet I need to submit? If you have received your log ins and can sign in to your account, you should be able to see the company you are working for (we call this an assignment), allowing you to submit your timesheet. If you cannot see the company you are working for, you should contact your consultant for an update on your assignment.
What do I do if I have not received my logins to sign in to my Hays Account? If you do not have any log in and are due to start working, you should contact your consultant for an update.
When should I get my Timesheet submitted? Ideally, you should submit your timesheets before Monday of the following week you have worked. This timeframe allows sufficient time for the necessary processing steps to take place. Submitting timesheets before Monday ensures that there's ample time for timesheet authorisation and payment processing.
Who approves my timesheet? Your client will approve your timesheet, when you submit your timesheet, you can see who it is going to for approval.
When should my timesheet be approved? It's important to note that timesheets must be authorised no later than midday Tuesday following the week you have worked. Authorisation involves verifying the accuracy of the reported hours worked and approving the timesheet for payment processing. Meeting the midday Tuesday deadline ensures that there are no delays in processing payroll and that you receive your payments on time. If approval does not come through before this time, speak to your client direct or contact your consultant.
What if my hours are incorrect and I have submitted my timesheet to my Client? Your hiring manager or person who approves your timesheet can reject or reject and re-submit a timesheet. If it is rejected for re-submission, you can re-enter any incorrect hours submitted. You can then re-submit your corrected hours ready for your employer to approve.
Why has my Client rejected my timesheet? If your hiring manager or person who approves your timesheet rejects your timesheet, it means that they have reviewed the submitted hours and found discrepancies or errors that need to be addressed before the timesheet can be approved for payment processing.
Timesheet rejections are typically communicated to the employee through the same platform or system used for timesheet submission.
Explanation for Rejection
Discussion with Client
How does my Client reject for re-submission?
Identifying Timesheet Awaiting Approval
Requesting Rejection for Resubmission
Making Necessary Corrections
Resubmitting the Corrected Timesheet
Approval Process
Entered a day/hour in error If you know that your timesheet is waiting for approval, then simply ask your client to reject the timesheet for resubmission and you can then make the necessary correction to the timesheet and resubmit it for approval.
Do you pay me if I am off sick? If you are off sick for more than 4 days, you can send in a self-certificate, and we can assess your claim. You can upload any documents via Hays Live Chat.
Do you pay me Maternity Leave? Send your MATB1 and we will access your claim, you can upload your documents via Hays Live Chat.
How do I get paid for antenatal appointments? You will need to send the confirmation of the appointment through to we will then assess the claim.
Do I get paid Paternity Pay? Send your SSP1 and we will access your claim, you can upload your documents via Hays Live Chat.
I need a reference what do I do? Please ask the company to email
Where do I find my bank details? If you have online banking, you can get your details on here, or most cards hold your account number 8 digits and sort code 6 digits.
I do not have a bank account how can I be paid? To work for Hays, you should have a bank account we strongly recommend opening an account in your name so that you can be paid promptly. If we do not hold any bank details on your file, we will hold payment until we have the bank details. Once the bank details are on file and the payment is processed you will be paid by the next working day.
Can I pay in to someone else’s account? If you are PAYE and decide to use someone else’s account, you can, however when you submit these details you will need to confirm that you agree to this and that you understand that once payment is made you are agreeing that these funds are paid in to this account and it is down to you to make any changes in time. Should the payment go through, and changes not made in time Hays will not take any responsibility for the monies paid.
Can I be paid by Cheque? No Hays do not make payments via cheque.
How do I complete a New Starter Checklist for PAYE Workers without a P45 on Hays App?
How do I view my payments? Click on the ‘My Payments’ menu option, then the ‘View Payments’ link on the left-hand navigation menu. You are then given the choice of seeing your most recent payments, all payments for the current tax year, or all payments within a specific time period that you can define.
I cannot see my payment for a certain week-ending date in the ‘My Payments’ menu. Please contact our service centre on 0203 727 2977.
Is everyone entitled to holiday pay? You will only be able to accrue holiday pay via Hays if you are PAYE.
Can I opt out of holiday pay? No, Hays accrue holiday on all hours, so you can be paid whilst on holiday.
What's the benefit to me as a worker? You will be paid when you are on holiday, and it's easy to book holidays in advance using your self-service holiday booking portal.
What does 'accrued' mean? 'Accrued' pay or holiday is pay or holiday that is 'banked’ (saved for a later date) or accumulated. When does the Hays holiday year run from and to? Due to Hays finishing their pay weeks on a Friday, the holiday year ends on the last Friday in December. The new holiday year will start the day after on the Saturday. How is the Holiday pay calculation and payment made up? The holiday pay rate is based on your average pay rate for the preceding 52 weeks worked at the time your holiday is paid. Why is holiday pay being accrued from my overtime? Temporary workers are self-employed, so they don't have standard hours. Working Time Regulations require Hays to include all hours you work when calculating your holiday entitlement and average rate of pay. Holiday pay is accrued on basic working hours and any overtime, but bonuses are excluded.
Can I see how much holiday I have? You can view your cumulative holiday entitlement, cumulative holiday paid to date and holiday balance in the Holiday section of the APP or your Online Portal, this located under the Timesheets section and then Holiday.
Do I get paid on Bank holidays? Your holiday entitlement includes all UK bank holidays, and if you have accrued enough hours, you can be paid for a Bank holiday day.
Does this happen an automatically? No, you need to book any holiday you wish to be paid for you can do this by Holiday section of the APP or your Online Portal, this located under the Timesheets section and then Holiday.
Can I take holiday at any time during my assignment? Holiday is there for you to book and take what has been accrued. We encourage you to use the self-service portals to do this. You should discuss with your client direct should you want to book any holiday’s and follow their process.
Can I carry over holiday entitlement to the next holiday year? Any holiday entitlement must be taken during the course of the holiday year in which it is accrued. You cannot carry any over to next year, so you should use the holiday you have accrued.
Can I be paid holiday if my holiday entitlement is not sufficient to cover the booked holiday period? You are paid holiday to the value of your holiday entitlement. Holiday taken more than the entitlement is treated as leave without pay but will be paid automatically as and when sufficient entitlement is earned.
When will I be paid my holiday pay? Holiday pay is paid in the same way as normal worked days i.e. weekly in arrears. Should holiday and worked days occur in the same week and we receive your timesheet with hours, a single payslip will be produced which will show both pay types on one payslip. If your timesheet with hours and holiday are received in separate pay run, then you will receive a separate payslip for you holiday and hours.
How will I be paid my outstanding holiday entitlement, when I stop working for Hays? If you leave, you should request your P45 through the APP or your Online portal. Once your P45 is processed you will be paid your outstanding holiday entitlement.
I've heard about the term Working Time Regulations (WTR). What does this mean? The Working Time Regulations (WTR) are a set of regulations in the UK that govern working time, rest periods, and annual leave entitlement for workers.
According to these regulations, employers like Hays are required to include all hours worked by temporary workers when calculating their holiday entitlement and average rate of pay, regardless of whether the workers have standard hours or not.
If I have finished my assignment and do not start the next assignment immediately, do I need to request my P45 to claim my holiday entitlement? The holiday entitlement will remain with you, and should you take on a further assignment your accrual will continue to accumulate. If you have a gap between assignments, we suggest that you book this time as holiday.
What happens to my holiday when I request my P45 Submitting the P45 request form will action a pay out of any accrued holiday entitlements. This means that any unused holiday days that you've accumulated during your employment will be calculated and included in your final payment.
How do I upload my P45 via Online Portal?
How do I complete a New Starter Checklist for PAYE Workers without a P45 via Online Portal?
How do I upload my P45 via the Hays App?
When should I request my P45? If you think you have another assignment via Hays do not request your P45, only request your P45 if you go to work for another employer.
You should always enter the last date you finish working for Hays, so that your, pay is all up to date and your tax is worked out correctly.
If you are unsure of your last working day, then wait until you know when this date is.
When will I receive my P45? Once your P45 is requested you will receive via email, this will happen within 5 days of your request.
How do I request my P45 on my Online Portal?
How do I request a Hays Reference? Future employers requiring a reference from Hays can request this by email from
What is an Umbrella Company? An umbrella company is a business often used by recruitment agencies to pay temporary workers. The umbrella company employs you and pays your wages through PAYE. It does not find temporary work for you; this is done by Hays.
When will I get paid if I have an Umbrella Company? If your hours have been submitted and approved a remittance is sent to the Umbrella companies 3 times a week. When they make payment is down to their own processes, we therefore suggest you contact your Umbrella company for any payroll inquires.
How do I get my payslip? Hays will send a remittance to your Umbrella company, once they are in receipt of this and have processed your hours, they will be in control of your payroll and will process pay and payslips etc.
What is PAYE PAYE is otherwise known as Pay as you Earn. When you are paid you will automatically be deducted tax and National Insurance, and this is sent to HMRC on your behalf. When you start work you should submit a P45 from your previous employer or New Starter Checklist if you do not have a P45, this way HMRC can allocate the correct tax and National Insurance to you.
When will I get paid if I am PAYE? If you are PAYE and your timesheet is approved and processed by Wednesday 10am you will receive payment via BACS on Friday morning. If your timesheet is approved and processed after Wednesday 10am and before Friday 10am you will receive payment via Fasterpayment Friday any time between 2pm – 7pm.
How do I get my payslip when I am PAYE? Payslips are sent via email on a Wednesday or a Friday afternoon. Payslips are password protected.
Can I work as an LTD Company? Yes, if you are a director. If your company is VAT registered, you will need to sign a VAT Self Billing Agreement every 12 months. If you work in Construction & Property and need to be paid through CIS, you must provide us with a UTR number at the beginning of your first assignment for us to verify with HMRC. What is a PSC (Person of Significant Control)? Person of Significant Control (PSC) is anyone that exerts a significant influence or control over a company. They are identified as a PSC if they meet any of the following criteria: Hold more than 25% of a share in a company or have the right to participate in more than 25% of the surplus assets of a Limited Liability Partnership. Do I have to have an LTD bank account? Yes, if you wish to work via a PSC then you must have a bank account in the exact match to the LTD company name. When will I get paid if I have a PSC? If you are PSC and your timesheet is approved and processed by Wednesday morning you will receive payment via BACS on Friday morning. If your timesheet is approved and processed after Wednesday 10am and before Friday 10am you will receive payment via Fasterpayment Friday any time between 2pm – 7pm How do I get my payslip? Payslips are sent via email on a Wednesday or a Friday afternoon. Payslips are password protected.
Hays Connect is an online system for workers and employers through which timesheets can be submitted and authorised. In time we will look to add additional features and services that you can access via your Hays Connect portal.
When will I receive my Hays login? Shortly after you are confirmed as a timesheet approver for one of your temporary workers we will send you an email containing your user ID, a temporary PIN and a link to the Hays Connect self-registration section. Use this link to activate your Hays Connect account as soon as you can after receiving this email. To activate your account you will be asked to enter and confirm your password. Your password can be anything you like, as long as it is a minimum of seven characters long and contains at least one number. You will also be asked to choose a question and response. You will be asked this question and must provide the same answer if you ever forget your password in the future. The link you emailed does not work. What should I do? Please contact your Hays consultant for assistance. What do I do if I forget my password? At the bottom of the login page there is a ‘Forgot Password?’ link. Click on this and you will be prompted with the question that you set up when you first activated your Hays Connect account. On successfully answering the challenge question you will be sent an email with a new temporary password. Once you have logged into Hays Connect you should reset your password via the ‘My System Profile’ link on the left-hand navigation menu. What if I lock my account or forget my security answer? Please contact your consultant for assistance.
Who is my Consultant? Your Consultant is the person that got you the position in Hays, they will have arranged the interview for you, and arranged for you to get the role.
Who is my Client? Your Client is the company you are working for.
How do I approve a timesheet? Choose the ‘Approve Time’ link from the left-hand navigation menu. You will then be shown a list of all timesheets that are awaiting your approval, with the total hours and mileage expenses (if applicable) for each timesheet. You can see the full details for any timesheet by using the ‘View Timecard’ function. Put a tick in the ‘Select’ box for the timesheets you wish to approve and then click ‘Approve Selected’. Once you have approved a timesheet Hays will pay your worker and generate an invoice. Therefore you should check your timesheets carefully to ensure you are happy with what you are approving. What should I do if I disagree with the hours that my worker has claimed? You have the option to reject any of the timesheets that are sent to you for approval. To do this use the ‘View Timecard’ button to go into the detail of the timecard that you have issues with. You then have the option to either ‘Reject’ the timecard or ‘Reject for Resubmission’. In essence, both of these will return the timecard to your worker, but using ‘Reject for Resubmission’ enables you to add a reason for the rejection, along with comments explaining the changes you want the worker to make before you will approve their timecard. When should I approve timesheets? You should approve any timesheet submitted to you as soon as possible after you receive it, and certainly by midday Tuesday, in order to avoid any unnecessary delays in payment to your workers. I approved a timesheet but now I’ve spotted an error in the hours / days claimed. How do I fix this? It is important that you check all timesheets carefully as Hays will take your approval as authorisation to make a payment to your worker. However, if you spot an error on a timesheet that you have already authorised then you should immediately contact your Hays consultant. I am going on holiday and need a colleague to authorise timesheets in my absence. How do I do this? Choose the ‘Maintain Alternate Approvers’ option from the left-hand navigation menu. From here you can add any colleagues that you wish to grant permission to approve timesheets that are sent to you for authorisation. This permission can be indefinite or for a specific timeframe only. Please remember that anyone who you set up as an alternate approver will receive messages from Hays Connect by email, so you it is vital that you enter an accurate email address. How do I add a PO number or cost code to a timesheet? If your organisation requires PO numbers or cost code information in order to pay an invoice, you can add this detail onto your workers’ timesheets. To do this use the ‘View Timecard’ button to go into the details of the timecard that you want to amend. You will then see a tab labelled ‘Billing Elements’ and by clicking this you will open up the fields that will allow you to enter up to six different cost codes as well as a PO number. Once you have added this information and checked that you are happy with the time being claimed then click ‘Approve’ to authorise the timesheet.