My Learning
Our online learning portal offers free courses that will help develop the skills you need to reach your ambitions, wherever you are in your career.
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My Learning
Our online learning portal offers free courses that will help develop the skills you need to reach your ambitions, wherever you are in your career.
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Search for a course above, or choose a relevant topic below. Then, simply register or sign in to start your learning journey.
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- Taxes
- Teaching, Learning and Pedagogy
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- Visual Basic
- Web Design and Development
- Writing and Publishing
- Yoga and Mindfulness
AI Literacy & Compliance Training (EU AI Act) Module 3 - AI Compliance & Regulatory Overview
10 min | BeginnerThis course seeks to educate non-technical roles about basic AI concepts, the potential benefits and risks of AI tools, and share an overview of common AI compliance requirements they may need to follow. Module 3 gives an overview of major AI regulations, describes common regulatory requirements, and how employees can support their organization's compliance efforts.. This course is meant to support the AI literacy requirement of the EU AI Act by educating non-AI-developers on key concepts for AI. -
AI Literacy & Compliance Training (EU AI Act) Module 2 - AI Risks
25 min | BeginnerThis course seeks to educate non-technical roles about basic AI concepts, the potential benefits and risks of AI tools, and share an overview of common AI compliance requirements they may need to follow. Module 2 is a deep dive into the different risks of using AI tools, and suggests practical mitigation strategies that regular users can implement. This course is meant to support the AI literacy requirement of the EU AI Act by educating non-AI-developers on key concepts for AI. -
AI Literacy & Compliance Training (EU AI Act) Module 1 - AI Definitions & Benefits
10 min | BeginnerThis course seeks to educate non-technical roles about basic AI concepts, the potential benefits and risks of AI tools, and share an overview of common AI compliance requirements they may need to follow. Module 1 covers basic AI definitions and potential benefits. This course is meant to support the AI literacy requirement of the EU AI Act by educating non-AI-developers on key concepts for AI.
A road map to understanding and relieving your mental load - Part 2
24 min | Suitable for everyone -
A road map to understanding and relieving your mental load - Part 1
24 min | Suitable for everyone -
Gaslighting in the Workplace: Identifying and Addressing Harmful Dynamics
15 min | Suitable for everyone -
Preventing Harassment: Comprehensive Employees US All States
2 hr | Suitable for everyone -
Preventing Harassment: Comprehensive Managers US All States
2 hr | Suitable for everyone