
The ultimate learning package that gives pupils insights into various employers, industries, and career opportunities. Comprising of a series of lesson plans and resources to support effective delivery of careers education, Inspire can facilitate efficient, meaningful guidance to primary and secondary aged pupils.

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A spotlight on careers for future generations

Inspire is a free comprehensive learning package that provides pupils with insights into different career journeys as well as advice and inspiration. Consisting of a series of ready-made lesson plans, Inspire contains the latest market information from credible employers and offers an inclusive, wide representation of different paths into the world of work.

The lesson plans are made for primary and secondary schools, helping to fulfil the Gatsby Benchmarks and deliver effective, transparent information to pupils when it comes to their post-16 opportunities.

To start your Inspire journey, fill out our enquiry form and our onboarding team will be in touch.

Inspire is a free comprehensive learning package to engage pupils with workplace learning

Blown away by the offer is an understatement. I love the direction this has taken and how teacher and pupil-centred it all is! Keen to roll this out to all our Ormiston Schools and support teachers with effective ways to engage the pupils with workplace learning.

- Rachel McCarthy, National LP for Enrichment (Careers/Eco Trust) of Ormiston Academies Trust
Providing career advice, inspiration and insights into the world of work

We see Inspire benefitting our staff by canvassing a whole-school approach to careers education, and demonstrating that careers is everyone’s prerogative for the benefit of our learners. It is easy to use, and navigate, and perhaps most importantly it is easy to see the value in the programme.

- Ellis Potter, Strategic Careers Lead for Priory Federation of Academies Trust